Kazakhstan Restaurant

Our trip to the city today almost didn’t materialized. As usual I woke up ahead of the alarm clock and when the alarm clock rings I am waiting for my husband to stand up and get ready to go but he seems very tired that he just turn off the alarm clock and continue to sleep so I didn’t bother him anymore I let him sleep I just open my laptop and check my mails.

When we woke up after few hours I have asked him if we are still going to do our plans but he said I didn’t wake him up so it is too late to go Seoul but after few times of hesitation we eventually decided to go. We first bought a new lens or his DSLR camera in Technomart and then take the subway to the place where we planned to eat.

We are almost lost because my husband went to wrong exit, he didn’t bother to hear me that the right exit is on the left. Oh well I just follow him and we eventually find the Kazakhstan Restaurant in exit 7 of Dongdaemun History and Culture Park Station, when you went out the exit just turn right  on the small alley and the restaurant is just straight ahead.

We ordered few foods for us to eat we had Besbarmak, horse meat in dough. According to what I have read the term Beshbarmak means “five fingers”, because the dish is eaten with one’s hands. The boiled meat is usually diced with knives and often mixed with boiled noodles. It is usually served in a big round dish.

Pelmeni which is more of Russian cuisine, this is a dumplings wrapped in dough with sour cream and butter.

Golubsty or cabbage rolls this is  a classic Russian dish. A beef mixture with rice is wrapped in cabbage leaves top with sour cream and other vegetables. This is very delicious and worth trying to eat, I love it honestly!

Shashlik this is skewered lamb and it is very good and great taste.

We also got Turskish bread

My over all impression with the restaurant is it is impressive the food are good and worth your money. The service is nice too, the place is quite good and relaxing.

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