Meeting a Friend in Seoul

These past few days I am not that active online anymore, I spend most of my time in the open forum reading stories and problems that’s why most of my blogs are not well updated because of my new habit. I want to go back online, do my task and design the themes but I am not always on the mood, I can’t focus probably because I am still trying to fit here in our new place.

Anyway I am going to the embassy in Seoul this Thursday to renew my passport and I will also make use the time to meet my friend in Seoul it was been a long time since the last time we met, probably two years have been past since our last meeting.

So I’ll be away for the whole day, my biggest problem right now is how to wake up early in the morning because I have to be in Seoul very early for my embassy appointment. I have to take a bus which takes one hour and a subway so I can reach our meeting point.

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A Day in Seoul

Today is my husband’s birthday but we celebrated it yesterday when we went to Seoul to buy new lens for his DSLR camera, we ate in a Kazakhstan Restaurant that serves Kazakh and Russian food. Most of the food we ordered are Russian cuisine, anyway after our sumptuous meal we looked for A La Do a Russian Bakery but we already spend a lot of time looking for it we never found it so we decided to take the subway back to the bus terminal, better luck next time.

We are not able to get the current bus when we reached the platform the bus is already moving away, I felt embarrassed when my husband pointed out the long line to me . So we went at the back on the line but when a new bus arrived which is not going to Icheon the people moved to the bus and there’s a new line forming in Icheon platform so we transferred there but as the line is growing a not so old man caught are attention, saying that the old line is going to Icheon. Confusing huh? So we transfer again in the line and just on time a new bus to Icheon arrived.

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On Sending EMS Package from Korea

Finally the box I’ve sent to Philippines last Friday arrived today to my family. I thought it is already gone missing because when I tracked it the last information the box arrived in the Philippines and nothing else.

My sister is so happy upon seeing pringle’s in the box, she said it’s been a long time since she’s been asking our mother to buy her pringle’s  so the pringle’s I’ve sent is just on time. One of the souvenirs I’ve sent was broken so they just glued it. Maybe the box was not carried carefully or they just throw it away (sigh). Oh well the good thing is the box still arrived., my worried feeling for it is gone.

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The Old Apartment in Seoul

It’s been ages since I joined nostalgia because I have been busy and partly I can’t think of something that will remind me. The photo below was taken a year ago in our old apartment in Seoul, it has two rooms and the small room that will supposed to be kid’s room is our dresser or room for clothes. We are heading to China the next day that’s why our clothes are already packed and only left on the rack are my day clothes.


That day too my husband new camera just arrived and he took a sample shot of me while closing the door in the balcony.


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Colorful Flowers at Gangbyeon Station

I am quite busy yesterday and today tweaking templates so I was not able to post something here, as I am blog hopping I have seen some post for color connection, Ate Rose had invited me the other week but I am too busy as we hike to Dobongsan.


So I am taking the chance to join tonight, above are the colorful flowers taken in flower shops along Gangbyeon station. They are so lovey isn’t it? Pick one or as many as you can Ate Rose for your birthday (Happy Birthday).  Yes guys, the mommy blogger is celebrating her birthday so hop in to her blog and greet her  Happy Birthday!

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Dobongsan: Climbing Alone to Jubong Peak

Instead of hiking today we did it yesterday that’s why I am not around with my blogs as we left early, so today is rest day as it is holiday, Memorial Day. We I hike for 6 hours, just me because I reached the peak alone without Pookie Bear he left me in Seoul as we he feel bored and tired waiting for me.

Oh well, when the alarm clock rings, Pookie bear asked me if we are going to hike yesterday or not if I feel better and not sick anymore. I said to do the hike on Monday but when he says okay but we cannot look around Techno Mart it might be closed for holiday, it changed my mind. So went to Seoul by bus and take the subway to Dobongsan.

We’re already hiking for one hour and I keep complaining and requesting to return as I don’t feel well my heart is beating faster that feels me like suffocated maybe because I am feeling sick and keep on coughing plus I have no water bottle on me, I thought its like in Seoraksan which there are shelter to buy water but it is not. Just luckily the big bear has one bottle of water and I can drink a little to moisten my throat.

We are already hiking for three hours and we finally reach a point to decide whether to go up at Jaunbong Peak or return to Dobong Information Center, a mountain ranger approached Pookie bear and they had a short talk. He explained the sites to see at Dobongsan and how the name’s are derived and etc., then he also help us where to find water to drink, which is in Gwaneumam Hermitage that decides him that is done for the day even I want to reached Jaunbong Peak which is .09km  ahead top.

I reached the top 45 minutes after I depart from the resting point, its kind of thrill to hold in the bars while pushing yourself up, here’s a view what is looks like at the top.

As I would like to go to another peak nearby, thinking someone is waiting for me I slide down the peak holding with the metal bars with other hikers, I trek the same course I went up so I can still return to the place where I left Pookie bear, few of the hikers who saw us together asked me where’s my boyfriend, I just told them he didn’t climb and he was left over there I just don’t know if they understand because they keep asking me in Hangul, haha.

I’ll post the Part II next time!
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Hiking at Dobongsan

Instead of hiking today we did it yesterday that’s why I am not around with my blogs as we left early, so today is rest day as it is holiday, Memorial Day. We I hike for 6 hours, just me because I reached the peak alone without Pookie Bear he left me in Seoul as we he feel bored and tired waiting for me.

Dobongsan is a mountain in Bukhansan National Park, South Korea. It extends across Seoul, the national capital, and the cities of Yangju and Uijeongbu, in the province of Gyeonggi-do. It has an elevation of 739.5 m (2,426 ft). Nearby Dobongsan Station is named for it.

[Not yet there]

He promised  to wait in the resting area but when I descend the peak he is nowhere to be found, so I decided to go down the mountain alone, with other hikers. I didn’t find him in the information center either so I left after asking the traffic patrol if he see the guy (showing his photo in my camera) he pointed in the waiting shed while saying something so I figure out Pookie bear was there before so I went with the flow, walk to the subway and took a train and buy a bus ticket home luckily he gave me money to buy water and I have left money from the amount of the package I send to my family the other day because it not I’ll be in Seoul forever… when I arrived home it was already dark and someone was smiling mischievously.

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Harabang Jeju Tangerine

I am being pre-occupied these days, it looks like there are no days that I am feeling busy, I called it feeling because I don’t know if it meet the standards of the word busy. Lol! I almost forgot it is Orange Tuesday yesterday, I am one day late again. Anyway here’s my share, Catlaine bought this for me us when we visited National Museum Korea when we first meet alone, I mean just the two of us without the big bears. I could say it is the best tangerine chocolate I ever tasted, so yummy!


We went inside the souvenir shop, I bought a small notebook and she bought chocolates, four of this and she gave the two to me and the other two to her. Thanks again sis!

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JC Burgers at Traveler’s Bar and Grill (Bundang)

Sorry guys for not responding or visiting your comments these past two days, I am quite busy and feeling sick. I have to do it tomorrow. We have sleep early last Friday so I only have short time to update online, anyway “we sleep early” as we have planned to visit Seoul the next day.

So went to Seoul yesterday (Saturday) darn there’s a lot of locals going to Seoul so it took us one hour before we can take a bus amidst the long line, we first went to Hongdae to the travel agency so they can apply for Mongolian visa for Pookie bear which I don’t need, I am free to enter Mongolia without visa but Canadian  is not free and then took the subway to Itaewon to shop, but the fickle minded me didn’t find anything I like as they are so expensive for my standard so we just ended buying a new pair of shoes for Pookie bear, then after it we took the subway again to Bundang line (Seohyeon) so we can eat our late lunch,  very far huh? Well it’s Pookie bear’s birthday and he chooses Traveler’s Bar and Grill  in Bundang as treat for his self us and as he is drooling to triple JC burger, a six patties of meat. We are almost lost because according to the information he got online the location can be found in exit 6 but subway has no exit 6, just up to 5, then we find out exit 6 of the mall, and you can be there by exiting at exit 3 and 4 of the subway.


Double JC Burger

So after being lost we finally found it, actually he found it as I didn’t see it well their name is too small and I missed it by just looking at the big streamers in the building, it is located in the third floor so we took the elevator., to cut the story short we ordered the double JC burger for me and triple for him, he beat that if I can eat all of it he will buy me a new laptop, so I said prepared my new laptop already. Well so sad I lost I just ate single JC burger and stop, I am too darn full to eat more. I feel sick looking in the burger patties, I can’t chew it anymore once I did it feels like I am going to throw it up. It is so cheesy and so fatty.  He said that I have to remember that eyes is bigger than the stomach, anyway he continue eating his triple JC burger until the last part of it and he almost puke, so full. We drink 5 glasses of coke, and one glass of water, I had my left over put to box, the funny thing is before Pookie bear can finished his burger the waitress who is serving us already finished her duty, so we are not able to give her a tip. Yeah, he took two hours and twenty minutes to finish 3 lbs. of beef, 24 strips of bacon, fries and 6 slices of cheese.


Triple JC Burger (collapsed)

After it we return to the subway but before taking a train we bought a box of Krispy Creme, when we reached Express Bus Terminal it is already 8:30 in the evening and all the bus tickets are sold out, so we run like hell back to the subway to go to another bus station which is  in Gangbyeon, we are almost lost where to transfer even we are holding an old torn map of Seoul subway from the fliers of Indian restaurant in Itaewon maybe because we are in panic, it already happened to us that we didn’t get any bus to both stations. While in the train I have told Pookie bear it looks like buying  Krispy Creme is not good idea because the first time we buy Krispy Creme we also don’t get a bus, so it is just a repeat of the first incident. Anyway when we reached Gangbyeon we really walked so fast together with other people and the funny thing is when we purchased the bus ticket there’s only one word came to the lips of all the other locals in the ticket windiw “Icheon”, nyay that means those people didn’t get a bus ticket too in Express Bus.

Inside the bus the sick feeling I feel get worst maybe because I have rested my body from the worry of not getting a bus to go home, as we reached home (10:30 in the evening) after shower my minor headache became worst and my lower left abdomen is aching thinking I just drink a lot of coke, I drink plenty of water but still my headache is killing me, the last time I got this severe headache,  when we are in Incheon Airport departing to China where I ate burgers too, from Mcdonalds. I rested for a while as I can’t look in the front of my computer  but it doesn’t help, headache plus the feeling of vomiting is killing me.  So I have no choice but to withdraw all the food I ate, excused me to say this but I vomited all the food I ate, when I went out the bathroom, Pookie bear says I just wasted his money (lol) then he laugh afterwards asking me if I am feel better.  Well yes, I feel better after I throw up all the food I ate, my headache is gone but I feel very hungry as this moment as my stomach is empty.

I don’t know but it looks like burger makes me sick, I have food intolerance with burger.  So burger is now out of my list for a long time, actually I am not eating burger since the last incident in Incheon Airport but my eyes is soooo hungry. I will reply and visit you tomorrow, its already 4:14 in the morning here (Sunday), I need some sleep.

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Hiking at Seoraksan

I feel like a crippled right now, I was not able to blog yesterday as I am dead tired. We finally did the hiking tour yesterday, we wake up at five o`clock in the morning, eat breakfast and headed to the bus station, we reached Seoul at around 7:00 AM and took another bus to Sokcho. Then took another bus (7-1) to Seoraksan National Park. We purchased ticket entrance and we started our hiking journey, along the way up to Biseondae there’s a lot of students in group keep saying hi and hello to Pookie Bear, he is so kind not to response to few he said if he did everybody will do the same, imagine how tiring is it. Haha!


When we reached Biseondae and started walking in the trail we’ve seen only few people mostly are old couple which is a great relief to be away from the group of students. I have experience to climb on rocks, which is sometimes very tiring as it feels like I am going to crawl already. My legs are sore and so thirsty too, we just bought one small bottle water each as we thought we can buy more water at the end of our trail.


After three hours we reached Yangpok Shelter, we just stayed for five minutes while the other hikers are preparing their lunch, then we move out to return to Seorak-dong (Park entrance)  where we begin our hike.  We hike around 13 kilometers in almost six hours which is already good for first timer hiker like us according to me. Hehe, we didn’t continue to the peak anymore as we need to go home, we need to catch a bus much better if not the last trip.


Well I thought I can’t see the park entrance anymore as my feet, legs and shoulder are already sore, I walked like crippled already, it is really painful to walk. I keep asking rest time but Pookie bear says we need to hurry so we can get a bus and take a rest, when we reached the third shelter from the entrance we bought water and I one waffle for me as I am already hungry I never eaten anything aside from my breakfast and one piece of cookie.  We had a rest for few minutes while watching the mountain climbers, then when we reached the second shelter I bought a milk shake ice cream, Pookie bear asked me if how many times I am going to eat.  Well I am really hungry plus I believed eating something while walking will help my feet to walk, so my attention is not on my aching legs but into my food, isn’t it?


After one kilometer and so, we finally reached the park entrance but we need to walk more to go to the bus stop. We took the bus for 40 minutes and took another bus to Seoul for around 2 hours and another bus going here in our place for 1 hour. Actually Pookie bear is kinda angry with me because when we are in Seoul, the lady in the ticket office gave us a 9:30 PM (last trip) bus so he asked me to ask her if there is an early bus but I am too hard headed to follow as I can’t speak Korean so he did it, the lady in the window I purchased can’t really speak English so the lady in the next window was the one who answered. I didn’t hear what she says all I know we still got the same bus ticket, when we reached the platform we found out there’s a bus that will left right this time, 7:30 PM. So I told Pookie bear maybe he could ask the driver if we can get inside as it looks like it is not full, that’s the way I see in another bus station where the driver allowed other passenger with another schedule, he asked me again if I can do it but again I said I don’t know what to say, in short I did not follow him so he did it again and voila we are allowed to take the bus as it is already leaving and there’s a vacant seat at the back.

When we reached home I just take a bath and eat my dinner while my foot is soaked in hot water with little salt then sleep with a wet hair. I am really sleepy and dead tired as we just sleep three(3) hours before our hiking tour. Pookie bear wake me up though he asked if I cooked rice for his breakfast as I didn’t I have to wake up and cook with a sleepy head.


So right now my lower body is sore,  oh yeah if I forgot to say I had a fever last night, I walked like a zombie (lol) and  Pookie bear is angry with me, I had a cold treatment from him, as what he said last night, much better if he left me in the bus station (lol) he will took the bus and I will wait for the bus scheduled in our ticket.

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