Family Dog Jihoo: A Sad Goodbye

We care our dogs as part of the family, our little baby and the source of entertainment when we are down.  I have blogged a few days ago that Jihoo, our family dog is sick. He stopped eating for unknown reason and just two days ago he left to dog heaven. It was very saddening my family misses him so badly because he is a sweet lovable dog.

Sleeping Dog

I first met him when I went home for vacation because Jihoo didn’t see me before and not familiar with my smell he keeps barking at me and doesn’t want me to be near him. As I am the one who feed him and walk him around when he needs to Poo he eventually likened me and doesn’t bother anymore if I put him in the head or hold him from time to time. What I missed about him is when he knew he did something wrong he will hide his head somewhere as if he is ashamed or afraid to be punished.

The picture above was his last picture taken before he got sick. 🙁

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Sick Dog: Jihoo Refuses to Eat Food

My family informed me that Jihoo is sick, he is not eating nor drinking. They tried to feed him by opening his mouth and giving him food but he was restless and doesn’t like to be touched. It seems he is in pain, afraid of being bitten by the dog my family didn’t try to open his mouth again to put some food, they just left food near him.

Sick Dog

I have told my family to bring Jihoo in a pet clinic but unfortunately there’s no pet clinic around. Our province is like a typical rural province in the Philippines where dogs were feed left over food or people food and bringing dogs to a vet is not the foremost concern.

I have read that refusing food  can be a sign of many serious illnesses of pets and can be especially damaging to the health, as they cannot talk it is hard for us humans to know what they are suffering unless they are brought to professional pet doctors.

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