Expat Living and Earning Opportunity at Home

Living abroad is not easy like what most people thought, homesick and unable to blend in is the common problem of expats. Anyway I think many Filipino women married to Koreans met their husband through agency some were lucky and some are not.  Unable to work and help their families in the Philippines was their main worry,  every day I am reading stories and status updates from my fellow countrymen seeking for help and jobs, it is either contractual jobs or working from home.


Most of them are mothers that are unable to work outside because they are nursing little kids, as I have knowledge how to earn money online from the comfort of your own home I tried to share the information in a online community but my request to post the information was declined because they don’t post business (seriously?) so what’s the second hand items are for? They’re still business right? Anyway I didn’t argue anymore and says it was not  problem.  Honestly, what I am requesting to post is not a business (but an opportunity to earn money if they only know how to read).  Reading without understanding is really the common mistake of everyone, I don’t feel bad because I know it is not my loss, it was their loss so with this all I can say is c’est la vie!

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A Box of BHC Chicken and Free Beach Mat

The other night we decided to have BHC Chicken, it was been a month already since the last time we had this chicken as we are eating 59 pizza for the last two weeks while we are on vacation for the first two weeks. The shop owner already know me so she directly went to the kitchen to cook the chicken while I wait in the table.

BHC Chicken

When I pay they gave me a beach mat, at first I thought it is a bag where I could use while shopping groceries but when I opened it at home it was a mat to be use at the beach this summer.

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Rainy Day Perfect for BHC Chicken

The weather yesterday was not good, it was dark and there’s light rain. We’ve decided to have chicken from BHC, dunno what happen because the last time we had 2 box of fried chicken my husband says he is tired of BHC chicken. Anyway I went down without umbrella thinking the rain already stops but sad to say it didn’t so I went back to the elevator and while waiting four high school students rushed beside me, I think they saw me when I went out and extend my arm checking if the rain is strong enough for me to get soak if I went out without umbrella. I said hi to the girls and explain them I need umbrella probably it was their first time to see an alien like me. Lol.

BHC Chicken

After getting umbrella I went down again and the students were not there anymore probably they already went home. At BHC chicken I ordered their new chicken dish 우쌀힝 – Chicken Rice instead of the Gold Chicken.

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A Short Visit to Bukchon Hanok Village and More

I seldom went out, I spend most of the day in front of my laptop. Lately I have thought that I should see everything around Korea before we left, yeah right my husband decided not to renew his contract anymore next year.  He said six years is enough, he need new surroundings and he is getting tired of Korea.

Buckhon Hanok Village

Anyway the other day my friend and I met in Seoul, we went to Buckhon Hanok Village for a walk, ate Gamjatang in Itaewon and dropped by  at I’Park Mall in Yongsan to buy a phone, her husband followed in Yongsan and we wander around the mall for few minutes before heading home in separate way.


They invited me to eat Korean buffet in Itaewon but I was not able to go because I have a lot of stuff to do online, updating blogs, list and designing a new headers.

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Heavy Rain and Yellowish Water from the Faucet

It was been raining for few days already and the rain yesterday was non-stop as I am trying to refill our water filter I have notice that the water from our kitchen faucet is yellowish, I immediately turn off the water and throw the water in our water filter. I let the faucet run for few minutes but still the water has yellowish color so I waited for my husband to came home so I can inform him about our water problem, I just drink fresh milk to fed my thirst.

Faucet Running

[Image not Mine]

When my husband came home the water is still yellowish but when we tried the water in the bathroom sink it is clear so we don’t where’s the problem if it is due to heavy rain or the pipe is dirty. Anyway when we went to the gym that late afternoon I take the chance to drink a lot and even bring water home by filling bottle my husband did the same as well it looks like we are fetching drinking water from the gym.

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Street Cleaning

I went to downtown yesterday to buy frozen chicken breast and kidney beans while waiting for the bus I saw this orange truck cleaning the street, it was so dusty while the truck is blowing the dirt in the road, it was very loud too.

Street Cleaning

I translated the Korean word 우리국토 아름답게 printed in the truck and it means  “Our beautiful land” while 우리교통 편리하게 means “Our Convenient Transportation”.

Truck Cleaning the Street

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Alumni Event in Shinha Elementary School

When I wake up this morning I heard a loud sound coming from the school nearby so when I went to the bathroom to pee I opened the window and peep and saw that there are some tents in the school playground of Shinha Elementary School. It looks like they are celebrating an affair,  I have no plan of checking what is it, I already took some photos from hallway and I think those are enough.

Shinha Elementary School

When my husband wake up blurted that he needs to listen to the loud music the whole day and tease me to check it because he said I am nosy, I didn’t listen and told him that I am not interested though there’s something on me that saying I have to take pictures. Well it happens that we have no toothpaste anymore so I went out and before going to Nonghyup Supermarket near Shinha Elementary School I took some pictures first at the gate.

Shinha Elementary School

I saw some men wearing an orange shirt probably their uniform, I didn’t walk further anymore I just zoomed my camera and took pictures of the tent, I was a bit shy for being nosy. Haha

Shinha Elementary School

When I translate 신히조등학교 종동문 it turns out they are celebrating alumni, I am not sure but it looks like it was alumni of male students.

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Paypal Withdrawal and Savings

Without money left to travel to Suwon I decided to withdraw few dollars from my paypal account, it was made possible through my husband’s paypal account. I sent him the money and he withdrawn it to his bank account and then he gave me the money. He has no choice because he wouldn’t shoulder my fare on claiming my new passport and reporting it to the immigration.


My husband open a paypal account because of it was needed when I want to buy a new laptop and he doesn’t agree of giving my allowance in few months advance last year.Well as I have savings from earning online I told him my plan and the rest is history when I needed money I just send him the amount I need which is seldom to happen because I am sending all my earnings home and if I keep withdrawing money from paypal account I am sure my husband will not give me any allowance anymore. Lol

Originally published @ herzfinance.com
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Moving to M2 Gym in Shinha-ri

It was almost two months since we moved in Shinha-ri from Icheon downtown and it was been two months since we are working out in this new gym.  Yeah, right before we moved here we surely check if there’s a  gym nearby so when our membership ended on Life Change gym we didn’t renew anymore, it was good too because when the new owner told us that there is no gym in Shinha-ri we know that there’s one.

Life Change Gym in Icheon

You heard it right, Life Change has new owner since last year when we returned from vacation on Chuseok the gym has new owner already, we said it has a new owner not just because of the new guy but also because all of those plants you can see in the gym adorned by colorful sash. Probably the old owner sold the gym.

Anyway  we signed up for six months membership in M2 Gym in Shinha-ri, the first week is life changing I mean we are still looking for the comfort of Life Change, the familiar faces and working equipments.  We worked out in Life Change for almost three years and surely we established a bond with the equipments, haha joke!

Gym in Shinha-ri

M2 Gym is just few steps away from our apartment building which make it convenient for us, I would say they have more equipment but they only have few heavy plates, and most of their gym equipment are older than those in Life Change.  The good thing is M2 gym has a separate rooms for aerobic class if you want to attend one unlike in Life Change there’s none but they have small space for fitness enthusiast to do the stretching and etc.,

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Eating Korean Instant Noodles

Eating instant noodles became my habit every day, I don’t know but these past few days I really have craving for instant noodles probably from watching TV shows and seeing them eating noodles and it was also easy to prepare rather than cooking my viand especially I am little busy these past few days.

Instant Noodles

I am sort of workaholic where I won’t stop until I am done working into something online,  forget to hunger and the food. My break was just to fee, well probably it is not workaholic anymore but addicted, lol.

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