Short Visit at the Sunflower Farm in San Andres
Nothing much happening around, my health is deteriorating and I am struggling to be normal. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about it because it seems this blog is going to be a health blog soon.
My sister have been bugging me to see the sunflower farm at the nearby town, we have planned to see it for almost a month already but we keep postponing to see it so when we had a chance we finally did, we are not able to tagged along my father because he work even on Sundays just to get by, he is actually been complaining of being tired but what else he can do he have to feed me (lol).
The sunflower farm located in San Andres wasn’t that hard to find, the entrance fee cost P30.00 which is less than a dollar if you had it converted. My sister was all excited when I am a bit disappointed, it wasn’t that great as it was seems to be maybe because it was summer and the flowers wasn’t that huge or maybe because I have seen sunflower bigger and beautiful than from the farm or I guess nothing excites me anymore?
Anyway, my mother seems more excited seeing ripe papayas on sale for a cheaper price in the entrance of the Sunflower farm than wandering around the sunflower beds, she actually doesn’t want to look around if we didn’t told her that it was a waste not to consume her entrance fee. Well, she wandered a bit and then asked if she could sit and the next thing we knew she was already sitting near the booth where cheap papaya fruit were sold.