Travel and Places April 11th, 2014 | No Comments »
I am not been active on blogging these past few weeks, most of my blogs was not updated in a month. It is not because I am not interested in blogging anymore but because I am quite busy, it was been a month since we left Korea and it was been a month since we are travelling. In one month, we have been to more than 5 countries already, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and now we are in Romania and I am looking forward to see Dracula. Haha!

I wake up this morning reading a message that my photo in this blog was stolen and used by someone in Facebook. I felt a rushing feeling to my veins (thinking what photo) so I immediately went to my blog but I was welcomed by a note that my blog is suspended. Oh, I forgot the transfer process, I didn’t renew my hosting few days ago and I forgot to transfer my blogs to my other hosting. I immediately started the transfer (from an old back-up) but because I am running out of time as we are living to do sightseeing I just log-out and continue the process when we returned to our hotel.
When I checked my FB page I have found out what photo was copied, I am thankful to the sender for letting me know and alerting me that I have to tighten the security (I mean to add more secure watermarked). I also found another message dated almost 2 months ago about the card recharge thingy (sorry was not around my FB pages that’s why late reply).
With this, the procrastinated me thought of updating this blog today! Thank you again for the helpful note (you know who you are)! 
[ Tagged In ] Expat Life, Romania, Travel
Travel and Places March 7th, 2014 | No Comments »
We left Korea on March 2nd, like expected we have to surrender our Alien Registration Card if we have no plans of coming back. I felt sad thinking it is going to be my last time to come in and out of the airport, and seeing Korea. With my almost 5 years of living in Korea I didn’t gained a lot of friends, if Cathlaine didn’t email me or show an interest to meet me after my blog help her on the visa requirements I probably didn’t have a friend at all in Korea, she left ahead of me to US after her spousal visa was granted so I am left alone by myself although nothing has changed because we seldom met, we probably met 4 times in four years. Lol

Anyway, our flight to Moscow leaves at 12 something in the afternoon, we arrived at the airport around 10:45 in the morning but still we didn’t have a chance to roam around because there’s a long line in the check-in counter which took most of our time, so after we check-in we went directly went to the immigration, took the train to our gate and in few minutes boarding time.
From Moscow, we have connecting flight to Budapest, Hungary as expected we have to sit in the airport to wait for boarding time. It was a tiring day, 2 long flights in one day!
We arrived in the evening in Budapest, we just slept for few hours and we started our first day of sight seeing early in the morning.
[ Tagged In ] Expat Life, Korean Living, Leaving Korea, Moving, Travel, Traveling, Travelling
Travel and Places October 10th, 2013 | 1 Comment »
We still have five months left before our visa expired in South Korea but we are already boxed the things we don’t use anymore, they are going home ahead of us. I am boxing the things as much as I can so I can travel light, we are planning to travel for six months when we left South Korea our main destination is East Africa and Eastern Europe. We have first planned to travel to Central America and East Africa but we have thought there are more things to see in Eastern Europe and there’s no mugging incident unlike in Central America.

My husband told me that I am going to start applying for my visas on December and I am praying that all of my visas will be approved or else I can’t travel with my husband in six months.
[ Tagged In ] Africa, Africa Places to See, Europe, Travel, Traveling