A Blessed Sunday: Remain in God’s Love

This Sunday is different from other Sundays that had passed because Pastor E wasn’t around, he is on vacation leave, as what I have heard it is for one month they visited her wife’s family in Northern Philippines.

Today is Valentine’s Day and the church was decorated by young people with heart cut outs. The speaker this Sunday was one of the members of the church, it wasn’t energetic like Pastor E but surely it has a message within a message but it feels like I was in a classroom and listening to my high school teacher.

Valentine's Sunday


The scripture verse was from the book of Jude 21 with scripture topic of Remain in God’s love since it is Valentine’s Day. The speaker shared three challenges to be considered which are:

1. What does it mean to love God?
2. How can we remain in God’s love?
3. How will God reward those who remain in His love?

The speaker says God doesn’t abandon us and He doesn’t leave us alone in our struggles (Psalms 91:2). We show our love to God when we observe His commandments and apply His principles which are written in the bible.

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Valentines Dinner at Home

I am procrastinated to blog these past few days I have nothing really much to say or I really don’t know what to write. Anyway, Valentines Day just passed by, how’s your date or did you have a date? My husband and I didn’t go out for dinner, we just had a simple dinner at home after going to the gym. He cooked chili con carne from the ingredients left in our kitchen, instead of using crushed tomatoes he used corn and food turns well out of his expectation.

Chili con Carne

I also got down to the ground floor to buy cheese sticks, but knowing me, I will always get extra something on my shopping bag aside from the food or item I was told to buy, but of course I have to expend my own money, spending his money is a big no no. Well, unlike the past years we didn’t buy a cake this year as we are too full to have a cake and we didn’t agree what cake to buy, if you will ask me I am always into chocolate cake but my hubby says it is already tiring eating chocolate flavor, we should get something fresh.

Cheese Sticks

Well, that’s how we celebrated our Valentines date this year simple and sweet.

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Our First Valentine Together

Few more days and it is already Valentines Day. Any plans for it? My husband kept asking me if where I want to go on Valentines Day, or where we going to celebrate it. Normally if there’s an occasion we’re eating lunch/dinner outside and then before we came home we’re going to buy a special cake.

I told him either to Outback Steakhouse or in a Mexican Restaurant, I also suggest to him that we should try “hot pot” in a Korean restaurant where seafoods is freshly cooked at your table but he said we should try it on our last night here in Korea. Outback is my favorite steakhouse, I love their food, and beverages. When it comes to Mexican, I love their food esp. burito and chili fries and a lot more.

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This is our first valentines together, so it might be special not like the previous years we just greet each other by an e-card, but he never forget to send chocolates, dozen of roses and big teddy bear to me by ordering online. It was also last Valentine when I received a digital camera from him as gift, so my cam is already one year in my possession.

What’s my gift for him? Nothing big, just a chocolate and a simple card (photo), he loves white chocolates so much with cookies and cream that’s what the chocolates I have for him. “Sorry Sweetie that’s all I can afford, you know I don’t have a work and you never gave me allowance anymore (lol). Actually he already seen the chocolate, I bought it along with the Pink Kisses on my previous blog, I manage to kept it on my arm but he showed up from the big room and ask me what I have, he kept insisting and darn….he said sorry afterwards.

WThe photo looks gay, I edited it eh., this is my 4th entry for I LOVE PINK!

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