Home and Shopping January 27th, 2012 | 5 Comments »
It snowed two times today I would like to go out this morning to take picture of me in the snow but cooking makes me busy. I just postponed it thinking I can have pictures later when we go to the gym, well the snow stop and before I know it our landlord started cleaning the frost in front of the apartment and in the garage. So when we went out to go to the gym the street is snow clean but the good thing is it is snowing again! Yipee, I asked my husband to take picture of me well he did but he said you can’t really see the snow, maybe because it is just starting.

We first went to the bank and while waiting for him I went out and started taking snapshots around me and of course myself.

To make the story short it is our cheat day today, so we went to Watsons to buy some chocolates. Because he ate two of my chocolates last weekend he bought two for me and treat me another chocolate, I picked two truffles and a chocolate bar and then to the bakery to buy brown bread and have a stop in Family Mart to buy chicken and mayonnaise, all we got is the latter so went to the nearby Gs25 to buy chicken and he asked me if I want a meal as I am full from my dinner I opted on chocolate wafer. I didn’t eat my chocolates yet, thinking I can add this to my box (to send home).
[ Tagged In ] Expat Life, Expat Living, Icheon, Icheon Banks, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon Streets, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Watsons Icheon, Watsons Korea
Home and Shopping March 29th, 2011 | 2 Comments »
I consider myself as Nivea baby already, most of my personal stuff are Nivea products aside from Dove. Here’s my weekend loot, as expected when ever I visit Watsons I will surely went out the store with a plastic bag on my hand. My plan is just to Nivea roll on because the last time I visit at Watsons it’s a less cheaper than in supermarket, and I was right because there’s a new promo, Nivea roll on + a spray for $7.00 as I am looking around my eyes caught the word 1+1, so I grabbed Nivea Soft for $5.38, it is a moisturizing cream. Their Nivea Lotion (Moisture) is also on sale, 400ml+250ml for $7.99 I would like to buy one but I have more than five lotions so I just thought it is not that important as this time.

Anyway I also bought a Watsons moisturizing hand soap with strawberry and yoghurt extract, I don’t use hand soap except for bath soap so this will be added to my collections.
[ Tagged In ] Nivea, Nivea Body Wash, Nivea Deodorant, Nivea Korea, Nivea Lotions, Nivea Sale, Shopping at Watsons, Shopping for Nivea, Watsons, Watsons Icheon, Watsons Korea
Home and Shopping, Life in South Korea January 27th, 2011 | 2 Comments »
Yesterday I have blogged about my shopping experience at Watsons well you know me one is not enough so last night I returned to Watsons and finally take photo of the newly open store. I went out to supermart last night to buy tomatoes and soy milk and then went to Watsons because my sole purpose was to buy M & M’s chocolate because I am saving the first set I have bought for my mother and sister. When I went inside I wander around the shelves and I decided to buy another Nivea Lotion (Sparkling White), and there I have found out Moisturization lotion is a little expensive the Sparkling white so I just bought the latter again and bought Pantene shampoo because they are buy 1 take 1 too. I also bought a little bottle of Moisturizing and Strengthening Olive Shampoo it is a Watsons Product.

When I pay at the counter the guy gave me free samples, darn when I shopped in the morning they don’t give me anything even my purchased cost a lot than the second time. When I went home I look for the receipt inside the Watsons bag but can’t find it. Well maybe they don’t give receipts or their printer is not yet working.
As of now I am going to be grounded for few weeks, no more going out or shopping because I spend all my allowance yesterday. My allowance was saved because Pookie bear gave it to me late, and hey did I tell you I also asked advanced allowance last night so I can buy chocolates?

I have a lot of stuff today but it is not all for me, I am planning to send another sweet box home and I am gonna save for the postal fee sooner or later ..
[ Tagged In ] Shopping at Watsons, Watsons Icheon, Watsons in Icheon, Watsons Korea