Kat-kat : The Playful Kitten from the Surplus Shop

Shopping for second hand clothes when they are on huge sale is one of the things I enjoy the most, it is somehow therapeutic for me. We normally do it in well-knows surplus shop but a few months ago we decided to go to a smaller surplus shop because they were on sale that day. While looking around the surplus clothes a kitten passed by, the sale lady picked it up and when she put it down I picked it up and give it a touch. The sales lady then asked me if I want to bring the kitten home,  I check it first if the kitten is a male or female since we already have a lot of kittens at home we have adopted from the street.

White Orange Kitten

The kitten was a male, so I have asked if the owner is giving it away, the sales lady replies yes just asked his “Kuya” but we told her she should do it for us since we don’t know his employer so she did, and the surplus shop owner gave it to us and we bring the kitten home.  I named him “Kat-kat” derived from the surplus shop’s name, Kat-kat Ukay-Ukay.

Kat-kat is such a playful kitten, he plays a lot from wires to rags. On his first three weeks at home, it was a pain to teach him where to litter. He keeps doing it in my father’s room below the cabinet and speakers, I almost give up cleaning his smelly poop. We decided not to let him in during the night because we noticed he just do littering inside at night, and during the day he did it in the sand but Kat-kat is such an intelligent cat when he found a way how to get inside by following the older cats but his ways didn’t change he still poop inside because it seems he is so lazy to go outside but when my father built windows in his rooms and Kat-kat grow a bit older he already learned to do his business outside. What a relief that was!

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