Home and Fitness, Home and Living January 25th, 2013 | No Comments »
I have decided to wash my winter jacket the other day because it was been a long time since I washed it and it is quite dirty already since I took it with me when we travel outside Korea.

When my husband and I will have a short walk he left me at home and told me to follow because I am busy tinkering something in front of my laptop so when I am done with it I immediately run to our closet to look for my jacket, yeah right I forgot that I just washed it that day. Thinking my husband will be angry if I didn’t follow him I just wore my normal sweater and long pants and run so I can tag along with him beyond the cold weather. As I know it is impossible to catch him I took a short cut and I am able to see him after a long run, the coldness I felt was gone.
My husband laugh at me when he saw me as I am panting very hard, and even tell me why I follow when I have no winter jacket to wear. Well if I just knew he won’t be angry probably I will stay at home. And I think winter jacket is not need anymore as I didn’t feel cold after running like crazy.
[ Tagged In ] Brisk Walking, Evening Walk, Exercise, Expat Living, Fitness, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, No need for Winter Jacket, Winter in Korea
Home and Living January 31st, 2012 | 2 Comments »
I am quite busy tweaking these past few days that I can’t visit my blogs and post an article, I am also procrastinated. I have nothing else to write maybe because I don’t usually share and talk what I am doing and etc., sort of private person huh? Lol!

It snowed a lot today it cause heavy traffic in the main street I remember a friend who wished to snow a lot I just chuckled remembering her childish wish. Heavy snow can cause a lot of problems and accidents in the street eh., Anyway I decided to rest for a while and blog I am going to tweak again tomorrow.
I have cooked a soup tonight and as usual my husband told me to separate soup for him all he wanted is the vegetable and he don’t like macaroni on it, too much carbohydrates as what he reasoned out.
[ Tagged In ] Icheon, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon Streets, Korean Winter, Living in Icheon, Living in Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Snow Streets, Snowy Korean Street, Snowy Street, Snowy Update, South Korea, Winter in Korea